Damages Recoverable After Vehicle Accident
Whether it’s on Interstate 64 or a county road, a vehicle accident can happen any time. After being involved in a car accident, you may be called by your insurance company or the insurance company of the driver who is at fault. An insurance adjuster may suggest settlement of your claim. The settlement value of any insurance claim can only be determined after a detailed examination of liability and the harms and losses sustained by a person injured.

A Car Accident and the Statute of Limitations
You must act promptly in pursuing your claim after a car accident. Whether it’s the latest gadget or a television ad, we have all heard the phrase “act now.” Act now is catch phrase used to get people to do something. Nevertheless, when it comes to a car wreck, it is a good idea to act promptly to secure evidence in your favor and avoid any issues with the statute of limitations.

An Update on Criminal Expungements in West Virginia
Expungements can restore a person’s record for the future. A criminal conviction, whether a felony or a misdemeanor, can follow a person throughout his or her life and effect employment, housing, and education. West Virginia is one of nearly thirty-six states that allows certain crimes to be expunged, or removed, from a person’s record. Effective June 7, 2019, West Virginia changed the way criminal convictions may be expunged. See W.Va. Code § 61-11-26. This blog provides a general overview of the new law and addresses expungements of criminal convictions. It is not a substitute for legal advice regarding your specific situation.

When Dogs Attack: Dog Bite Law in West Virginia
A dog bite or dog attack can leave a person physically injured, emotionally scarred, and financially strained due to medical bills. While we generally should not be scared of every dog we come into contact with, bad things can happen when aggressive dogs bite. This is especially so when children are involved because, according to the Center for Disease Control, children are more likely to be bitten by dogs than adults.

Medical Malpractice and Injuries: Not Just a Tiny Mistake
Medical malpractice, or medical errors, are the third-leading cause of death in the United States. Regardless of what a person’s job is, mistakes can happen. However, a mistake made by a doctor, chiropractor, nurse, or other health care provider can have dire outcomes. Medical malpractice can lead to lifelong medical problems, disabling injuries, and death. These harms are in addition to medical bills, lost income, psychological injuries, and physical pain caused by a health care provider’s conduct.

A Public Employee And The Right to Representation
West Virginia law permits certain public employees the right to representation in the workplace. A public employee may have someone speak and act on their behalf in certain circumstances related to employee discipline. The right to representation is but one mechanism through which West Virginia law ensures that public employees are being treated fairly in the workplace.

Getting Caught With a Small Bag of Weed In West Virginia
Newsflash: possession of marijuana for recreational use is still illegal in West Virginia. Nationwide, 10 states and Washington, D.C., have legalized marijuana for recreational use. Thirty-three states allow medical marijuana. While West Virginia has taken steps to permit the medical use of marijuana, recreational use is still a crime.

Wrongful Death Cases In West Virginia
The death of a loved one carries with it immense feelings of loss. This loss is only compounded when a loved one’s untimely death is cause by the wrongful conduct of another. Oftentimes, the family member who was catastrophically killed was a father, husband, mother, wife, and sole income earner for the family. No lawsuit and no amount of money can ever replace a loved one. Nevertheless, like we tell our kids when they get in trouble at school, parties who are at fault should be held accountable for their conduct. As much as possible, families deserve to be put in the same position they would have been in absent the wrongful death of their loved one.

Pro-life law grants limited immunity for drug possession in an overdose situation
The opioid epidemic is rampant in West Virginia. Regardless of socioeconomic status, age, gender, or race, we all know someone in our family or community who has been affected. West Virginia ranks at the top in terms of opioid-related overdose deaths in the United States, the majority of which are attributable to synthetic opioids and heroin.

Just Say No To The Other Party’s Insurance Adjuster After A Car Wreck
You were in a car wreck. You were just rear-ended by a person who was probably on a cell phone. The police arrive. You give a statement. Your car is towed. You get medical treatment and ultimately go home. The next day, the phone rings. It’s an insurance adjuster for the insurance company of the person who hit you. The adjuster is nice and seems genuinely concerned about your well-being. The insurance adjuster wants to take a recorded statement.